Dean's speech


In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, who says, “And We made you into nations and tribes that you may know one another”. Prayers and peace be upon our master Muhammad bin Abdullah, who has said, “Allah Almighty loves it when one of you does something that he does it well.”
God Almighty created human beings as different nations and diverse peoples. Our true religion has approved this diversity and difference for us. A diversity that enriches human life and increases its knowledge, growth, acquaintance, and harmony. Therefore, the College of Languages and  Translation plays a pivotal and extremely important role in promoting knowledge acquisition, growth, acquaintance, and harmony.
This role is achieved through teaching one of the most important languages ??in the world, which is English, as well as through providing two integrated programs (English and Translation). The essential goal of these two programs is to prepare a citizen capable of serving his/her religion, king, and country. A citizen who is a channel of communication between his/her nation and other nations.
However, this citizen will not be able to perform the role required by his/her nation and rulers unless he/she complies with the saying of the Messenger, may the best prayers and peace be upon him, i.e. to master his/her work. Therefore, the college is keen to design its programs - English language and translation - in a way that guarantees the achievement of the ambition of its nation and leaders and makes the Kingdom's Vision 2030 a possible and tangible reality, God willing. I ask Allah Almighty to enable the college to provide the best and finest of what is required of it and to enable our sons and daughters to build their nation to compete with the first-world countries. He is the Omnipotent and the Almighty.
Dean of the Faculty of Languages ??and Translation
Dr. Sami bin Ibrahim Al-Huwais Al-Qawzi